18 research outputs found

    Massive-Conformal Dictionary

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    The finite-volume spectrum of an integrable massive perturbation of a rational conformal field theory interpolates between massive multi-particle states in infinite volume (IR limit) and conformal states, which are approached at zero volume (UV limit). Each state is labeled in the IR by a set of `Bethe Ansatz quantum numbers', while in the UV limit it is characterized primarily by the conformal dimensions of the conformal field creating it. We present explicit conjectures for the UV conformal dimensions corresponding to any IR state in the ϕ1,3\phi_{1,3}-perturbed minimal models M(2,5)M(2,5) and M(3,5)M(3,5). The conjectures, which are based on a combinatorial interpretation of the Rogers-Ramanujan-Schur identities, are consistent with numerical results obtained previously for low-lying energy levels.Comment: 18/11 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2109/9

    Sine-Gordon =/= Massive Thirring, and Related Heresies

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    By viewing the Sine-Gordon and massive Thirring models as perturbed conformal field theories one sees that they are different (the difference being observable, for instance, in finite-volume energy levels). The UV limit of the former (SGM) is a gaussian model, that of the latter (MTM) a so-called {\it fermionic} gaussian model, the compactification radius of the boson underlying both theories depending on the SG/MT coupling. (These two families of conformal field theories are related by a ``twist''.) Corresponding SG and MT models contain a subset of fields with identical correlation functions, but each model also has fields the other one does not, e.g. the fermion fields of MTM are not contained in SGM, and the {\it bosonic} soliton fields of SGM are not in MTM. Our results imply, in particular, that the SGM at the so-called ``free-Dirac point'' β2=4π\beta^2 = 4\pi is actually a theory of two interacting bosons with diagonal S-matrix S=1S=-1, and that for arbitrary couplings the overall sign of the accepted SG S-matrix in the soliton sector should be reversed. More generally, we draw attention to the existence of new classes of quantum field theories, analogs of the (perturbed) fermionic gaussian models, whose partition functions are invariant only under a subgroup of the modular group. One such class comprises ``fermionic versions'' of the Virasoro minimal models.Comment: 50 pages (harvmac unreduced), CLNS-92/1149, ITP-SB-92-3

    Quasi-Particles, Conformal Field Theory, and qq-Series

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    We review recent results concerning the representation of conformal field theory characters in terms of fermionic quasi-particle excitations, and describe in detail their construction in the case of the integrable three-state Potts chain. These fermionic representations are q-series which are generalizations of the sums occurring in the Rogers-Ramanujan identities

    The Many Faces of a Character

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    We prove an identity between three infinite families of polynomials which are defined in terms of `bosonic', `fermionic', and `one-dimensional configuration' sums. In the limit where the polynomials become infinite series, they give different-looking expressions for the characters of the two integrable representations of the affine su(2)su(2) algebra at level one. We conjecture yet another fermionic sum representation for the polynomials which is constructed directly from the Bethe-Ansatz solution of the Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 14/9 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2125-9

    On the Scaling Limit of the 1D Hubbard Model at Half Filling

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    The dispersion relations and S-matrix of the one-dimensional Hubbard model at half filling are considered in a certain scaling limit. (In the process we derive a useful small-coupling expansion of the exact lattice dispersion relations.) The resulting scattering theory is consistently identified as that of the SU(2) chiral-invariant Thirring (or Gross-Neveu) field theory, containing both massive and massless sectors.Comment: 14 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2203-9

    Rg Flows in the DD-Series of Minimal Cfts

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    Using results of the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach and conformal perturbation theory we argue that the ϕ1,3\phi_{1,3}-perturbation of a unitary minimal (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) in the DD-series of modular invariant partition functions induces a renormalization group (RG) flow to the next-lower model in the DD-series. An exception is the first model in the series, the 3-state Potts CFT, which under the \ZZ_2-even ϕ1,3\phi_{1,3}-perturbation flows to the tricritical Ising CFT, the second model in the AA-series. We present arguments that in the AA-series flow corresponding to this exceptional case, interpolating between the tetracritical and the tricritical Ising CFT, the IR fixed point is approached from ``exactly the opposite direction''. Our results indicate how (most of) the relevant conformal fields evolve from the UV to the IR CFT.Comment: 30 page

    Kinks in Finite Volume

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    A (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theory with a degenerate vacuum (in infinite volume) can contain particles, known as kinks, which interpolate between different vacua and have nontrivial restrictions on their multi-particle Hilbert space. Assuming such a theory to be integrable, we show how to calculate the multi-kink energy levels in finite volume given its factorizable SS-matrix. In massive theories this can be done exactly up to contributions due to off-shell and tunneling effects that fall off exponentially with volume. As a first application we compare our analytical predictions for the kink scattering theories conjectured to describe the subleading thermal and magnetic perturbations of the tricritical Ising model with numerical results from the truncated conformal space approach. In particular, for the subleading magnetic perturbation our results allow us to decide between the two different SS-matrices proposed by Smirnov and Zamolodchikov.Comment: 48/28 pages + 10 figs, 4 in pictex, the rest in postscript files attached at the en